
Salsa, Merengue and Bachata classes in Knutsford, Wilmslow, Macclesfield and Altrincham

All levels of Cuban, Colombian and Cross body style

An easy and enjoyable way to learn the most dynamic, vibrant and sensual dance in the world

Important News: The next course will start in March 2025. Please leave your name and mobile number on the contact session below to receive a reminder text the week before it starts.

Please be aware that there might be delays in start dates, as I need to wait for a sufficient and balanced number of leaders and followers to begin. Thanks


Mondays in Macclesfield

7:00 pm

Tuesdays in Wilmslow


Wednesdays in Altrincham


Thursdays in Knutsford

7:00 pm

Contact us

Please provide your mobile number; it is essential. Without it, you will not receive notifications about the start dates and address.


07564 87 88 67

Alejandro (Salsa dance instructor)

How the course works

If you have submitted your mobile number, you will receive a text message the week before we start.

The course is £7 per person, pay as you go for 1 hour.

This course aims to make you a good social salsa dancer, and everything we do is with this in mind; a good dancer should be able to dance with any other dancer; that's why we constantly rotate partners learning to adapt to each other and lead or follow from the very first class; plus this will allow me to correct the followers mistakes and my female assistant will help to correct the leaders. This also means that no partner is required to join the course.

The course runs progressively, meaning it gets more complex every week. For this reason, after the 3rd class, no new beginners are allowed to join since this would slow down the rest of the class.

Repetition builds muscle memory and is the only way to guarantee progress; for this reason, we rehearse what we have learned in previous classes before moving on to something new.

This repetition will create ease of movement and make your footwork and combinations beautiful and smooth.

To keep track of your progress, we follow the order of the Salsa Course 2.0 (find the link on t0p of this page as Video Courses) We aim to reach combination number 12 "Titanic" in the first ten weeks. Then you can continue to complete the rest of the list as an intermediate. You can also start practising before the course starts by following the beginners' course (also found at the top of this page)

Important note: As we age, our ability to learn new movements diminishes, this is particularly evident when it comes to salsa footwork.

For this reason, the recommended age limit for a complete beginner is 50 years old. Of course, there are great salsa dancers above this age, but they learned to dance when they were younger. (it takes a long time to build up muscle memory.)

I do not want to discourage you, but to help you choose the right type of dance for you.

If you are 50 or over, the recommended type of dance is Modern Jive or Ceroc because the footwork is easier.

If you are 50 or over, your journey from complete beginner to dancer will be longer; please let me know to sign you up for the slower pace class.

  1. Normal pace (10 hours)

  2. Slower pace (15 hours)

Click here to see why Salsa is more difficult.

Links to You Tube

Salsa music with counting for easier practise

Videos of Salsa socials

Click on the Facebook link above to see the weekly Salsa Socials nearby (North West of England)